Divine Liturgy celebrated at Cathedral of Saint George of Armenian Diocese in Georgia

On September 1, 2024, under the presidency of His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev. Father Husik Harutyunyan celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Saint George of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia
During the liturgy, the celebrant priest preached a sermon about St. Thomas the Apostle and referred to the mystery of the day, the Feast of the Discovery of St. Mary’s Box.
The relic with the right hand of St. Thomas the Apostle kept in the church was placed on the Holy Altar.
At the conclusion of the liturgy, on behalf of the faithful, the Diocesan Primate congratulated Senior Priest Rev. Father Yeghishe Harutyunyan on his 85th birthday, wishing him good health and many sunny days. In the church courtyard, the faithful congratulated Rev. Father Yeghishe with a birthday cake.