"In Front of The Mirror" book by young author Gor Simonyan presented at "Hayartun" Center of Armenian Diocese in Georgia

On November 26, 2023, the presentation of the first book by young author Gor Simonyan, titled "In Front of The Mirror", took place at the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the Center was full of attendees, most of them were students of different universities in Tbilisi. The event was interesting because the young creator of student age shared his emotions, feelings, and ideas with peers to analyze the past, motivate the present, and create a vision for the future. Based on his personal feelings and experiences, Gor Simonyan offers ten modern solutions to the problems that hinder motivation.
Candidate in Philological Sciences and Professor Emma Akhtyan gave an analytical speech about the book "In Front of The Mirror". The latter, highly appreciated the real stories described by the author and the events of the characters' lives, spoke about the fears, risks, and ideas that prevent the realization of various motivations, and the fact that the young creator offers ways to solve them.
The discussion of Gor Simonyan's book "In Front of The Mirror", written in a modern spirit, seemed to divide the opinions and approaches of those in the hall about reading, problems hindering motivation and ways to solve them, giving priority only to what is acceptable and useful to different subjects, although middle-aged and older people were more pragmatic in their approaches.
With guests' speeches and expressed opinions, the event also evolved into a dialogue, featuring question-and-answer sessions, debates, and discussions.
The presentation of the book was summarized by Eugenia Markosyan, Head of the ”Hayartun” Center. Attendees received copies of the book signed by the author.