"Old Tiflis with Armenian Accent" lecture at "House of Hovhannes Tumanyan" Center

On October 5, 2024, at the "House of Hovhannes Tumanyan" Center for Science and Culture of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, with the blessings of His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, lecture "Old Tbilisi with Armenian Accent" was held, which was in line with the "Tbilisoba" holiday traditionally celebrated in the capital of Georgia.

While presenting the history of the city's development, Aida Babajanyan, a researcher of the city's history, focused on the role of Armenian residents in the development of education, culture, industry, and the architecture, spiritual and cultural monuments in Tbilisi highlighting the Armenian impact. The speech was about the period up to the middle of the 19th century when the constructive and creative activities of Armenian entrepreneurs, scientists, cultural figures, church leaders, and clergy, the establishment of schools, the return of Armenians after receiving professional education abroad, their dedication to the development, governance, and construction of the city.

At the conclusion, the questions addressed to the speaker were related to church construction, schools, mother language, and buildings.


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