Statement of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia

Following up the issues related with the coronavirus epidemic spread during this recent period and prioritizing the protection of people from possible dangers these days, we consider inappropriate and improper the post written by RA National Assembly Deputy Speaker Alen Simonyan and addressed to His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenian.
For us, for Armenians living outside Armenia, our Homeland and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church are sacred. Especially these days we pray for the health of our compatriots, appreciate the work done by the Armenian authorities, diplomatic missions, Armenian doctors, and law enforcement officers.
The epidemic which has become a global threat should have alerted each of us to minimize potential hardships and losses. Looking forward to the expected common sense instead of an absurd post, we should remind that, as Armenians living outside Armenia, however are following up the political affairs; we have a respect for civil rights of every citizen of Armenia, and feel obliged to realize the seriousness of any intervention. We, the citizens of this of that state, expect the same.
The issue of our church, our Catholicos, our spiritual servants and faithful is different.
Our church is the most important guarantee of maintenance of our unity, Armenian identity, national dignity in Armenia and abroad, and this sacred mission is carried out under the auspices of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin with the blessing of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenian. Any unfounded and unreasonable statement made against the Catholicos, which may be aimed at undermining our unity and national dignity, is unacceptable for us. Especially when that statement is made by a high-ranking state official to whom the statehood of our Motherland is entrusted.
We urge everyone, when making any statement regarding the Armenian Church and Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenian, to take into account the feelings, dignity, moral rights and obligations. In this respect, the boundaries of our church are much larger, and every Armenian, booth living in Armenia and abroad, must treat extremely carefully.
Reverend Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan,
Vicar of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia