Divine Liturgy dedicated to the Feast of Commemoration of St. Gregory the Illuminator's tortures and commitment to the pit

On March 20, 2021, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church celebrated the first of three feasts dedicated to the commemoration of the first Catholicos of the Armenian Church – Feast of Commemoration of St. Gregory the Illuminator's Tortures and commitment to the pit. On the occasion of the day, spiritual servant Rev. Father Virap Ghazaryan celebrated Divine Liturgy under the presidency of Vicar of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev. Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan at the Cathedral of Saint George (Surb Gevork).

The church curtain opened on the occasion of the All-Christian feast and the faithful was given an opportunity to receive Holy Communion.

During the Divine Liturgy, the celebrant preached about the mystery of the day. The faithful listened carefully about the tortures which St. Gregory the Illuminator withstood for the Christian faith, his entrance to Khor Virap, the power of resistance and great will demonstrated by him during 14 years, as well as the devotion to God and Christ. After the sufferings St. Gregory the Illuminator became the first Pontiff of the state-recognized Armenian Church and devoted himself to spreading the light of Christ in the Armenian World.

The faithful lit candles in memory of St. Gregory the Illuminator and asked for the intercession of the All-Christian Saint in their prayers.


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