Hovhannes Tumanyan welcomes visitors of Center from portrait created by Andrey Shugarov

The visit of Andrey Shugarov, the renowned painter born in Tbilisi, to the city, was not a surprise for the staff members of the "House of Hovhannes Tumanyan" Center for Science and Culture of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, because they had already learned from the "Vrastan" (Georgia) newspaper that the artist prepared a surprise for the home of the All Armenians Poet and the Armenians from Tbilisi.

Indeed, on October 12, 2024, led by His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, a group of art admirers from Yerevan visited the "House of Hovhannes Tumanyan" Center for Science and Culture of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. Among them were painter Andrey Shugarov, his close friend from Tbilisi, founder of "KarLeone" art gallery Karlen Karapetyan, editor of "Vrastan" newspaper Van Baiburtyan and others.


Toured in Hovhannes Tumanyan's former apartment in Tbilisi, Andrey Shugarov presented the Center with his canvas with the portrait of Hovhannes Tumanyan, adding that from now on the great poet of the people will "welcome" the visitors of this Center from that portrait.

His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia granted the famous painter and great portrait master the "Hovhannes Tumanyan" commemorative medal.

In his speech of gratitude, Andrey Shugarov appreciated Karen Karapetyan's initiative to beautify the Center with Tumanyan's portrait and promised to present his solo exhibition to Armenians of Tbilisi.


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