Native language was honored at the Armenian teaching one-day school of Armenian Diocese in Georgia

On April 29, 2023, the spirit of the native Armenian language was soaring at Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of “Hayartun” Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The day was memorable, although with a delay, but with great dedication, International Mother Language Day was celebrated at the initiative of “Saint Gregory of Narek” (“Surb Grigor Narekatsi”) one-day school (teacher: Tamara Gaboyan) of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
Parents, teachers, and members of the Armenian community in Tbilisi took their seats in the hall. The event was honored with the presence of the Pastor of Armenian churches in Kvemo-Kartli Region Rev. Father Archimandrite Zaven Yazichyan.
Graduates of public schools teaching different languages and Saturday school students studying a profession presented literary and musical performances. Years ago, the students, who were deprived of their mother tongue and knew just several words, expressed their respect for their mother tongue, Armenian language, and return to their roots and pride for being Armenian, presented with poems written by various authors dedicated to the Armenian language and sayings of the nation's famous and well-known figures about the ancient language.
Commemorating the anniversary of the death of one of the pioneers of Armenian poetry, Hamo Sahyan, the students of the one-day school presented the pages of the literary heritage of the famous poet, reciting his poems dedicated to the motherland, faith, our precious language, as well as philosophical quatrains and sayings about love and devotion.
Susanna Khachatryan, Head of the Press and Media Department of the Armenian Diocese, highlighted the importance of the mother tongue as a factor for the survival and unification of the nation. The latter stressed the return of young boys and girls to their roots, the pride of being Armenian, and the tendency to live like an Armenian.
Eugenia Markosyan, Head of "Hayartun" Center, and journalist Gayane Bostanjyan shared their impressions.
Pastor of Armenian churches in Kvemo-Kartli region Rev. Father Archimandrite Zaven Yazichyan conveyed blessings and good wishes of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev. Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan to the participants of the event. Rev. Father highly appreciated the honored teacher's contribution and dedication to students in making the Armenian community in Tbilisi Armenian-speaking, loving their mother tongue, learning more deeply about the motherland and the language, and making all of this their life companions.
At the conclusion of the event, Mrs. Tamara Gaboyan expressed her gratitude to the “Nerses the Gracious” (“Nerses Shnorhali”) Choir of "Hayartun" Center (choirmaster: Maria Abulyan, pianist: Karen Mirzoyan) for assisting in the performance of patriotic songs, as well as to the supporters and all the participants, for making the event soulful and heartfelt, performed with deep understanding and patriotism.
Indeed, the event dedicated to the mother tongue became the feeling of love and pride for the Armenian language, which is the most important component of the national identity.
International Mother Language Day was proclaimed in 1999 by the decision of the General Conference of UNESCO and has been celebrated since February 21, 2000, as a day to support the recognition of mother tongue rights and its usage. Since 2005, International Mother Language Day has been included in the calendar of Armenia. Georgia celebrates Mother Language Day on April 14.