Candlelight Divine Liturgy in the churches of Armenian Diocese in Georgia

On the evening of January 5, 2020, on the occasion of the first major feast, The Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the churches of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. On the Eve of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Candlelight Divine Liturgy was celebrated in churches.

The Armenian churches in Tbilisi, Batumi, as well as Javalheti and Kvemo-Kartli regions were crowded; the faithful came to listen to the good tidings of Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Holy Nativity.

20200105 173617Before the Divine Liturgy, an Evening Service was held and different Bible passages were read.

Many faithful were in attendance in St. Etchmiadzin church in Tbilisi, where the celebrant was Vicar of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev. Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan. The Candlelight Divine Liturgy was attended by Georgian MP David Tchitchinadze, state and public figures, leaders of community organizations, many faithful.

20200105During the Divine Liturgy, Rev. Father Kirakos reflected on the wonderment of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Jesus Christ as a gift for humanity to get rid of their sins, to heal their pains, to become a hope and trust, to lead them to Heaven. The celebrant exhorted the faithful to ask that Almighty God raise the light of His wisdom in their mind, heart, and life, so that their souls would become that manger where the Light can shine and Love can dwell glorifying in life and faith of everyone.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Rev. Father lit a candle, symbolizing the Divine light of Christ, as well as the light of the shining star, which led three wise men to Christ Child, the Son of God. The faithful had an opportunity to light their own candles. They took the Divine light to their homes with the candles lit in church and the good news of Holy Nativity.

20200105 182220After the Divine Liturgy, the clergymen and faithful moved to ''Hayartun'' residence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, where Home-Blessing Service was offered.

The previous days of two major feasts (Armenian Apostolic Holy Church celebrates five major feasts) – Feast o Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas) and Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Easter) – called Candlelight (Tchragaluits). Candlelight or Tchragaluits (''tchrag'' – light and ''luis'' – lightening) mean to light a candle. That evening, the faithful lit candles in churches and take them to their homes.


St. Etchmiatsin

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