Graduation event of students of ''Saint Moses of Khoren'' Preschool

On June 30, 2021, the graduation ceremony of the senior group students of ''Surb Movses Khorenatsi'' (''Saint Moses of Khoren'') preschool took place at Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of ''Hayartun'' Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. On the occasion of the forthcoming 10th anniversary of ''Hayartun'' Center, it was decorated in traditional colours.

The event was honored with the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev. Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan accompanied by Rev. Father Archimandrite Nshan Hmayakyan. Spiritual servants, teachers, parents, and guests took seats in the hall.

In accordance with the tradition, the event was opened with recitation of the Lord's Prayer by the junior group students and with the blessings of the Diocesan Primate. After the greeting speech made by Eugenia Markosyan, the Head of the Department of Education of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, those 13 boys and girls who will proudly bear the title of schoolchildren in two months were invited to the hall.

The preschool graduates demonstrated with their beautiful recitation, songs and dance that they have learned a lot here along with playing games and having fun. And the evidence of this became the performance called ''What am I going to take with me'' to school through which they presented that they are stepping to school with knowledge, imagination, curiosity, friendliness, and feelings of conscientiousness and responsibility.

The joyful event gave a nice surprise to the preschool students: in February ''Happy birthday Hovhannes Tumanyan'' online contest organized by Hovhannes Tumanyan's House-Museum in Yerevan took place, and four out of ten best prize winners were students of ''Saint Moses of Khoren'' preschool and now they received certificates, gifts and preschool graduation certificates by Rev. Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan and Rev. Father Archimandrite Nshan Hmayakyan.

Parents Nune Paradyan and Ani Ghazaryan expressed their gratitude to the Head of the Diocesan Department of Education and teachers of the preschool for creating a solid foundation for their children and making them able to study well at school and to grow up being a true Armenian.

In his blessing speech, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, Rev. Father Archimandrite Kirakos Davtyan highly appreciated the activities of the preschool headed by Eugenia Markosyan, valued high-taste and solemn events, which are evidence of devotion of preschool teachers who bring up the young generation with the spirit of Armenian people and national culture. He also highlighted that the ''Saint Moses of Khoren'' preschool is bringing up students with a spirit of the Armenian type, which inspires patriotism, and love and devotion towards the Armenian culture. And, although the number of students who entered the Armenian school this year is small, the Diocesan Primate assured the parents that only education and thinking in the mother tongue give the Armenian persons what is close and dear to their soul.

The event concluded with the release of colorful balloons into the air in the church courtyard and hospitality with cake.

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