On June 23, 2019, the Kapan State Drama Theatre named after Alexander Shirvanzade (art director Arthur Gabrielyan) performed within the frames of a tour in Tbilisi. In the Calouste Gulbenkian hall of the "Hayartun" Center (Armenian Diocese in Georgia) the theatre
On July 6, 2019, the presentation of Hovhannes Tumanyan's fairy tales book in German language took place in the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia. The translation of fairy tales was made by the member of Writer's Union of Armenia, translator and writer who lives in Germany Agapi Mkrtchyan and Professor Helmut Malonek.
With the support from the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, more than 100 children from the Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy (the Armenian Diocese in Georgia) spend their summer holyday in “Aragats” camp
On June 27, 2019, an Evening Service was offered under the presidency of His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan (who is in Tbilisi as a guest) and with the participation of clergy in Saint Etchmiadzin church in Tbilisi. After the Evening Service the 2018-2019
On June 27, 2019, Calouste Gulbenkian hall of the “Hayartun” Center (the Armenian Diocese in Georgia) turned into a blue airport where the 2018-2019 academic year graduates of the “Saint Moses of Khoren” (“Surb Movses Khorenatsi”) Preschool (Educational Department
On June 22, 2019, the final exam of the graduates of "Saint Gregory of Narek" ("Surb Grigor Narekatsi", the teachers: Tamara Gaboyan and Revik Karapetyan) Saturday and "Saint Elias the Prophet" ("Surb Yeghia Margare", the teachers: Roza Zohrabyan and Revik
On June 9, 2019, a solo concert of the third shift of the “Hayos Band” vocal-instrumental band of the “Hayartun” Center (the Armenian Diocese in Georgia) took place.
On June 8, 2019, an event organized by the "St. Gregory of Narek" ("Surb Grigor Narekatsi") Sunday school and dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Komitas Vardapet (celibate priest) took place in Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian
On June 8, 2019, an event organized by the "St. Gregory of Narek" ("Surb Grigor Narekatsi") Sunday school and dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Komitas Vardapet (celibate priest) took place in Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian
On June 8, 2019, an event organized by the "St. Gregory of Narek" ("Surb Grigor Narekatsi") Sunday school and dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Komitas Vardapet (celibate priest) took place in Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian
On June 1, 2019, many countries in the world celebrated International Children's Day. It also became a joyful celebration for Armenian children living in the capital of Georgia and other regions of the country. With the blessings of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and with the support from the "Hayartun"...
On June 5, 2019, the reporting concert of the "Saint Nerses the Gracious" ("Surb Nerses Shnorhali") Choir's children's group took place at the Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the "Hayartun" Center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia.
On May 31, 2019, the Prelate of Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka's General Prelacy Rev. Father Maghakia Amiryan had a meeting with Armenian students from Javakheti who studies in Tbilisi universities. The meeting took place in Calouste Gulbenkian hall of the "Hayartun"