New Sunday

This year is celebrated in:: 2023-04-16

This Sunday is called New Sunday because of three reasons.

Firstly, Easter means freedom and the new Sunday is a day of double freedom. God has set us free from sins, and however we are under the influence of passions. And when God does everything in a new way order to set us free from needs, it is called New Sunday.

This Sunday is called New Sunday also because of our resurrection. On the first Sunday Christ raised us from the dead thanks to His Soul and Power, and on the second Sunday he will raise us from the dead bodily, so that raising from the dead we will become immortal.

And finally, this Sunday is called New Sunday because we celebrate the feast of our soul saving in spiritual joy and fete.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2019-04-28 New Sunday

2020-04-19 New Sunday

2021-04-11 New Sunday

2022-04-24 New Sunday

2023-04-16 New Sunday

2024-04-07 New Sunday

2025-04-27 New Sunday

2026-04-12 New Sunday

2027-04-04 New Sunday

2028-04-23 New Sunday

2029-04-08 New Sunday

2030-04-28 New Sunday

Contact us

5, Samghebro St., 0105 – Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995322724111
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
