Fast St. James of Nisibi

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-12-09

Today starts the fasting period dedicated to Pontiff St. James of Nisibis lasting from Monday to Friday. On Saturday a Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in all churches named in honor of St.

James of Nisibis on the occasion of the feast of the saint.


This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2030-12-09 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2028-12-11 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2026-12-07 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2024-12-09 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2022-12-12 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2020-12-07 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2021-12-13 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2023-12-11 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2025-12-08 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2027-12-13 Fast St. James of Nisibi

2029-12-10 Fast St. James of Nisibi


Contact us

5, Samghebro St., 0105 – Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995322724111
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