Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

This year is celebrated in:: 2024-06-24

St. Kalistratos was from the city of Chalcedon in Asia Minor.  At the end of the third century, he was a captain serving in the Army of the Emperor Diocletian, who persecuted Christians.  Kalistratos is imprisoned when he is found to be a Christian.  He is placed in a sack and thrown into the sea. Through a Divine miracle, the captain is saved from death.  Witnessing that their captain has been saved, 49 of his friends immediately convert to Christianity.  Together, all 50 Christians are once again thrown to the sea, but once again God’s miraculous power saves them.  They are finally pulled from the water and beheaded, thus meeting their deaths as martyrs.

Lukianos (Lucianus) the Priest, born in Samosata, is known as an eminent preacher of Christianity.  He has been considered the head of the Antiochian School of Theology.  Following his arrest, torture and lengthy imprisonment in the city of Nicomedia, he is martyred in 312 A.D. The edited version of the New Testament’s translation into Greek is ascribed to Lukianos, and is used through the present.  St. John Chrysostom highly regarded him and his work.

This feast has been and will be on the following dates

2021-06-28 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2022-07-11 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2023-07-03 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2024-06-24 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2025-07-14 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2026-06-29 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2027-06-21 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2028-07-10 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2029-06-25 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

2030-07-15 Commemoration of Sts. Kalistratos and his 49 companions, and Lukianos the Priest

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