Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra

- This year is celebrated in:: 2024-06-13
St. Theodotus from Galatia has been martyred as the result of persecutions by the King Dioklethianos. Being a wine tradesman, he seemed the persecutors to be less dubious, thanks to which he managed to help and support the persecuted Christians. He provided wine for the divine services, buried the remains of the martyrs. When upon the order of the prefect of Galatia seven Christian virgins - Tekousa, Alexandra, Kloida, Penna, Euprasia, Matrona and Judita, among whom was also the Aunt of Theodotus, were drowned, Theodotus, with the help of other Christians, manages to secretly bring out the virgins’ bodies from the water and bury them. However, his deed becomes known and persecutions against Christians become more severe. For saving the faithful Christians Theodotus surrenders to heathens and is beheaded after severe torments.
The same day is the day of commemoration of St. Thalelaus physician. Enduring the most severe torments, the blissed saint converts to his faith even the executioners. He is thrown into the see, but is miraculously saved from drowning and finally is martyred by means of beheading.
This feast has been and will be on the following dates
2021-06-17 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2022-06-30 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2023-06-22 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2024-06-13 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2025-07-03 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2026-06-18 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2027-06-10 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2028-06-29 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2029-06-14 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra
2030-07-04 Commemoration of Sts. Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaus the Physician and seven martyred Virgins of Ancyra